In the age of transformation, when innovation is an urgent necessity versus a luxury, design thinking aids in aligning business goals and creating new business models while also wildly enhancing the customer experience.

A global leader in software solutions that span cloud, compute, network and digital workspace looks to InterVision to automate secure connectivity to AWS

In InterVision’s recent podcast episode, Jamie Lee, Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing, and Kevin Barker, Senior Technical Director, define what hybrid cloud is and dispel its common misconceptions.

In the fifth podcast episode of InterVision’s Status Go, attorney, CEO and founder of Doxly, joins host Jeff Ton to talk about the ever-growing pressures on law firms to secure sensitive information and automate their daily practice responsibilities, which helps them compete in the modern landscape of legal representation.

Taylor Porter, one of the oldest, largest and most respected law firms in Louisiana, met these pressures and objectives by turning to Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) as a solution. Read more about the success.

The truth of the matter is, transformation of any kind is about people. Even digital transformation is more about the people than anything else–technology included. Lean in as Ron West shares his insights.

There are a lot of aspects that IT leaders must consider when formulating their digital strategies for 2019 and beyond. A few of these aspects are outlined in the second episode of InterVision’s newly-launched podcast, Status Go—in which host Jeff Ton welcomes Isaac Sacolick, President of StarCIO and author of Driving Digital, to discuss a wide range of topics from Artificial Intelligence (AI) to proper Data Governance.